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UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR) Outputs for 2015

This publication contains maps produced using data collated by the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using and/or interpreting the MNR...

UK Marine Noise Registry Outputs for 2016

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2016 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry: 2018 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2018 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry Outputs for 2017

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2017 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry: 2019 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2019 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry: 2020 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2020 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

UK Marine Noise Registry: 2021 outputs

This publication contains maps, associated data tables and shapefiles from the 2021 data in the UK Marine Noise Registry (MNR; []( When using...

P-wave velocity and attenuation 1/Q data of water-saturated sand pack (from dry to full saturation) at 10 kilohertz frequency under 10 MPa effective pressure, 2022 - 2023.

The data consist of P-wave velocity and attenuation (1/Q) of a water-saturated sand pack from dry to full saturation. We used an acoustic pulse tube, allowing us to measure the sample at a sonic...

River channel bank height data for the Rio Beni, Bolivia (NERC grant NE/H009108/1)

Each file contains four columns of data representing: column 1: UTM Zone 19S Easting coordinate for survey location along the Rio Beni, Bolivia. column 2: UTM Zone 19S Northing coordinate for...