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Interactive land map

Interactive map of Essex showing land owned by local authorities and central government.

Interactive land map

Interactive map of Essex showing land owned by local authorities and central government.

Interactive maps

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy have published a series of interactive maps. The maps bring together BEIS's Local Authority datasets into one place allowing users to...

TPOs Individual

North Dorset District Council, TPOs Individual

Active People survey interactive tool

Active People Survey (APS) is a national survey of sports participation which reports at the national, demographic and local level. The survey is an official statistic and has been running since...

Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT)

Local Authority Interactive Tool (LAIT) An interactive spreadsheet for comparing data about children and young people across all local authorities in England. The LAIT presents information in...

Ecosystems Interactions - Scaling issues

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. The project seeks to define key interactions between ecological systems which need to be taken into account for decision making...

Individual TPO zones

Polygon dataset of Southwark Council’s tree preservation order zones showing the ‘individual’ category

TPOs Individual

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by the Local Planning Authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The prinicpal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the - cutting down, uprooting,...

TPOs Individual Open Data

Tree preservation orders on individual trees

Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Data on Individual Savings Accounts (ISA)

Tree Preservations Orders - Individual

Location of individual protected trees in Milton Keynes

Plant-pollinator interactions database for construction of potential networks

Plant-pollinator interactions database derived from biological recording data, unpublished experimental data and published interactions in books and papers. The database covers all recorded...

Higher Education Provider Data: Business and Community Interaction

We publish all of the HESA HE Business and Community Interaction (HEBCI) survey data returned by HE providers. These tables include data for 2014/15 onward, unless otherwise specified. *In...

HE - Business and Community Interaction (2008/09 to 2015/16)

Higher education providers are embedded in the economy and communities of the UK. This publication provides a detailed picture of interactions between UK higher education providers and businesses...

Tree Preservation Orders individual

Individual Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) within Brecon Beacons National Park. Please note that the Brecon Beacons National Park Authority are in the final stages of reviewing all of the Tree...

HambletonDC Tree Preservation Orders - Individual

Points representing individual and, groups of, individual trees included in Preservation Orders. Captured as applications are received, after a site visit. Locations inferred from drawings taken on...

Biosphere Isotope Domains GB (V1): Interactive Website

This website provides interactive access to geospatial isotope data for Great Britain. The site includes isotope data for strontium, oxygen and sulphur distributions across Great Britain. The user...

Biosphere Isotope Domains GB (V2): Interactive Website

This website provides interactive access to geospatial isotope data for Great Britain. The site includes isotope data for strontium, oxygen and sulphur distributions across Great Britain. The user...

Individual Savings Accounts Main Tables 9.6

Provides information on savings in adult and junior Individual Savings Accounts - the number of individuals subscribing to ISAs and market values of ISAs. Source agency: HM Revenue and...