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90 results found

National Learner Satisfaction Survey 2009

Underlying data from tables within the suite of National Learner Satisfaction Survey reports [URN 11/708 - URN 11/716].

Evaluation of apprenticeships survey 2012: learners

Survey of 5000 apprentices, or learners, undertaken in late 2011 looking at satisfaction, impact,and additionality. Relates to BIS research paper no. 76 on learners/apprentices.

London Learner Survey

From 1 August 2019, the Secretary of State for Education delegated responsibility for the commissioning, delivery and management of London’s Adult Education Budget (AEB) to the Mayor of...

Post-16 Education: Learner Participation and Outcomes in England

This release has been renamed "Further Education and Skills: Learner Participation, Outcomes and Level of Highest Qualification Held" to reflect that the content of the main report now focusses on...

Adult Learners 2015-16

Adult Learners 2015-16 by Ward and Activity Type

Learner Support Funds

Learner Support Funds, additional monies available to support by exception.

Customer details (including learners' records and exam registrations)

British Council - Details of customers and beneficiaries of the British Council's services. Data held on a variety of systems

Informing choice in post-16 education and learning: parent and learner survey data

Learner survey and parental survey undertaken as part of the Informing Choice in post-16 education and learning research carried out for BIS by York Consulting. Relates to BIS research paper no....

Further Education and Skills: Learner Participation, Outcomes and Level of Highest Qualification Held

Previously published under the name "Post-16 Education", this Statistical First Release covers further education and skills, showing learner participation, outcomes and the level of the highest...

Effective practice in English and maths for adult learners in London

This report, commissioned by the GLA and produced by the Learning and Work Institute, aims to identify barriers to participation and achievement in basic English and maths training (at level 2 and...

CSL portal data

Data on learners and use of resources

FE Choices learner satisfaction survey 2014 to 2015

The Learner Satisfaction survey captures learners’ experiences of their college or training organisation. The survey captures learners’ experiences of their college or training organisation...

Learner Responsive Success Rates in England 2009/10

Learner Responsive Success Rates for education and training in further education institutions in England for the academic year 2009/10. The data shows success rates, retention rates and achievement...

Further Education and Skills in England: Learner Equality and Diversity

Ethnicity, gender, learning difficulties or disabilities and age Equality and Diversity participation, starts, and success rate data for Further Education and Skills learners in England. These...

Learner Responsive Success Rates in England 2008/09

Learner Responsive Success Rates for education and training in further education institutions in England for the academic year 2008/09. The data shows success rates, retention rates and achievement...

New challenges, new chances: skills investment statement 2011 - 2014

An illustrative forecast of the learner provision mix for the 2012/13 and 2013/14 academic years. Also indicates future learner provision based on 2010-11 data. Relates to 'New challenges, new...

Attitudes to further education loans

Data to support BIS research paper no. 73. Report of research commissioned by BIS to inform impact and equality assessments on the introduction of loans to fund Further Education (FE) courses. Also...

NI 161 - Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) achieved

The number of learners achieving a Level 1 qualification in literacy

NI 162 - Number of Entry Level qualifications in numeracy achieved

The number of learners achieving an entry Level 3 qualification in numeracy

Further Education, Work-Based Learning, Train to Gain and Safeguarded Learning

Presents early year estimates of the number of learners in post-16 education and training in England funded by the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) who were in learning in October 2007. Source...