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146 results found

Approved Less Than Thoroughly Cooked Meat Establishments

Establishments approved for the production of minced meat and/or meat preparations intended to be eaten less than thoroughly cooked

The Terra-Correlator: A computing facility for massive real-time data assimilation in Environmental Science (NERC Grant NE/L012979/1)

The Terra-correlator: A computing facility for massive real-time data assimilation in environmental science. Two Application Framework Papers: 1) Report on Terra-Correlator Application Framework....

The amino acid composition of 39 coral skeleton samples from massive Porites spp. corals of different genotype cultured under varying seawater pCO2 and temperature.

Amino acid compositions of coral skeletons from 4 massive Porites spp. genotypes (G4, G5, G6, G7) cultured in an aquarium at seawater pCO2 of 180, 260, 400 and 750 µatm and at seawater temperature...

AQS Alpha

An experimental data source for the Air Quality Sensor project. A Collaboration between Chris Hunt (Controlled Frenzy), Gavin Jones and Christian Cook (Elixel).

Survey of Salmonella, E. coli and AMR in frozen poultry products

The dataset contains the microbiological results for all the samples in project FS430667. This survey covers results of samples of Salmonella, Escherichia coli (E. coli) and antimicrobial...

Communal establishment residents (2001 Census)

Number of residents in communal establishments (defined as managed residential accommodation where there is full-time or part-time supervision of the accommodation) Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical, Multibeam and Sampling Survey 2011/3: North Channel & Hebrides: (17/Apr/2011 to 05/May/2011)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine multibeam, geophysical and sampling survey took place in April/May 2013 onboard the RRS James Cook. Data was collected from the North-Western Approaches...

The full width half maxima (FWHM) of the ν1 peak in the aragonite spectrum by Raman spectroscopy of coral skeletal aragonite from 7 genotypes of massive Porites spp. corals (G1 to G7) cultured at varying seawater pCO2 and temperature.

FWHM of coral skeletal samples from 7 coral genotypes cultured in an aquarium at seawater pCO2 of 180, 260, 400 and 750 µatm and at seawater temperature of 25 and 28 degrees C (39 samples total)....

Analyses of volcanic glasses from oceanic islands and mid-ocean ridges (NERC Grant NE/P017045/1)

Analyses of volcanic glasses from a range of oceanic islands (Samoa, Cook-Australs, Iceland) and mid-ocean ridges (Reykjanes Ridge). Each glass sample was analysed for the concentrations of >60...

Geochemical stratigraphic data for phosphatised and unphosphatised samples of Fe-Mn crusts, Tropic Seamount, Northeast Atlantic Ocean (NERC Grant NE/M011151/1)

The data set presents major and trace element geochemical data obtained from ICP-MS measurements on micro-drilled subsamples of ferromanganese (Fe-Mn) crusts from Tropic Seamount, north-east...

Reference samples of building stones

A collection of large-size, representative hand samples of building stones from current and historic quarries in the UK, together with specimens from historic buildings supplied by conservation...

Pesticide Residues in Food

The data set shows pesticide residues in different foods types, presented in 2 different table formats. The BNA format focusses on details of individual samples including brand name and origin and...

Pathological findings in the mass mortality event of saiga antelope, May 2015

Field-pathological findings of 33 saiga antelope carcasses (adults and new-born) found in two sites (Tengiz and Turgai, Kazakhstan) during a mass die-off event in May 2015. In Kazakhstan May 2015,...

A large and mostly volcanic carbon source drove the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (NERC grant NE/H017356/1)

Global warming during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, ~56 Ma) is commonly interpreted as being driven by massive destabilization of carbon from surficial sedimentary reservoirs. If...

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical, Multibeam and Sampling Survey 2007/7 (JC015): Hatton Bank, Rosemary Bank, Summer Isles and Hebrides Shelf (12/Sep/2007 to 13/Oct/2007)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine geophysical, multibeam and sampling survey took place between the 10th September and 13th October 2007 in the areas of Moray Firth, Summer Isles, Nun...

Identifying coastal archaeology using multi-spectral satellite imagery of the intertidal zone

his English Heritage funded project explored the use of multispectral satellite imagery for archaeological investigations in the intertidal zone. As a pilot project, the study focused on the well...

Identifying coastal archaeology using multi-spectral satellite imagery of the intertidal zone

his English Heritage funded project explored the use of multispectral satellite imagery for archaeological investigations in the intertidal zone. As a pilot project, the study focused on the well...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...

Register of Private Water Supplies in Northern Ireland (15/06/2023)

A private water supply is any supply of water intended for human consumption and not provided by the water undertaker appointed under Article 13 of The Water and Sewerage Services (Northern...