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579 results found

Consultation Privacy Notices

Privacy notices used in recent City of York Council consultations. For past consultation privacy notices please see the [__archived__ consultation privacy notices...

Noise abatement notices

A dataset providing a list of Section 80 (noise abatement) notices issued by Leeds City Council. An abatement notice can be served by the local authority if they are satisfied that a noise problem...

Consultation Privacy Notices - Archived

Privacy notices used in __past__ City of York Council consultations. For live consultation privacy notices please see the [consultation privacy notices...

Hedgerow Notices

Public register of hedgerow notices kept under the The Hedgerows Regulations 1997 regulation 10

Contaminated Land Notices

Contaminated Land Notices

Hedgerow Retention Notices

North Dorset District Council, Hedgerow Retention Notices

Parking charge notices

Data showing details of Parking Charge Notices issued in Plymouth from 2013-2016

Coal mining legal notices

The coal mining legal notice dataset details each notice issued to allow coal mining operations in areas where no mining lease was in existence, as taken from the information held by the Coal...

Fixed Penalty Notices - Litter

Fixed Penalty Notices - Litter

Fixed Penalty Notices - Flytipping

Fixed Penalty Notices - Flytipping

Community Protection Notices - Other

Community Protection Notices - Other

Liverpool Section 106 Notices

Section 106 Notices, infrastructure levy

Notices to Mariners

Notices to mariners are issued as on official communication to advise mariners of long term changes to Aid to Navigation service provision in Scottish and Isle of Man waters

Press Notice Distribution Data

Press Notice Distribution data. Name, email address, postal address, telephone number. Organisation, subject interest.

Fixed Penalty Notice - Litter

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for littering from 2005 to 2009 by local authorities.

Fixed Penalty Notice - Noise

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for noise from 2005 to 2009 by local authorities.

Penalty Notices for Disorder

Number of penalty notices for disorder (PND) for notifiable offences, across Local Criminal Justice Board areas

Fixed Penalty Notice - Overview

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued by local authorities for a variety of environmental offences from 2005 to 2009.

Fixed Penalty Notice - Flyposting

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for flyposting (excluding religion- or racially-motivated offences) from 2005 to 2009 by local authorities.

Pig Statistics Notice

Brings together statistics relating to pigs: slaughter figures (UK and EU), carcass weights (UK), pig meat production, trade and supplies (UK), prices (UK and EU) and pig populations (UK). Source...