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10 results found

Adventure Playgrounds

Shows the location of all council-maintained adventure playgrounds

Adventure Playgrounds

shows the location of childrens services in lambeth

Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) register of licence holders.

The public register of AALA licence holders is a legislative requirement (regulation 13 of The Adventure Activities Licensing Regulations 2004). The register has been publicly available since...

Pottery Fields rain gauge rainfall data

This dataset has been released as a one-off extra dataset to supplement the existing [rain gauge rainfall data](/dataset/rain-gauge-rainfall-data) for the FloodHack16 hack event held at ODI Leeds...

Bristol Parks & Green Space Strategy Sites

This dataset comprises polygon data showing the size and location of sites within Bristol designated under the Parks & Green Space Strategy (P&GSS) as land to which the public has...

Leeds meteorological data

Hourly and 15 minute meteorological data from a weather station in Leeds. Please note the change of location of the station as below. Readings were taken at: ----------------------- * Pottery...

HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

In December 1798 HMS Colossus, a 74 gun warship built in 1787 at Gravesend, was on her way home to England with wounded from the Battle of the Nile and with cargo, including part of Sir William...

HMS Colossus Wrecking Project 2017

In December 1798 HMS Colossus, a 74 gun warship built in 1787 at Gravesend, was on her way home to England with wounded from the Battle of the Nile and with cargo, including part of Sir William...

London Gateway Project Geophysics Archive for offshore surveys undertaken in 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2011

These data comprise four phases of geophysical survey carried out in 2002, 2007, 2008 and 2011, covering various areas within the Thames Estuary as part of an overarching archaeological...

Impact indicator: planning applications granted

The number of planning applications granted as a percentage of all major and minor schemes #### How the figure is calculated: The number of planning applications for major or minor schemes...