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Town Centre Pavement Washing Programme

Street-scene are introducing a programme of Town Centre pavement washing including chewing gum removal and litter bin washing. This is in addition to the regular street cleaning we carry out daily...

CGG Pressure Database

The CGG Pressure Database includes pressure test data from over 1000 wells in the UKCS providing info on formation pressure, depth, test type and quality. (Download size,11GB).

Surface Pressure Charts

These charts show the surface pressure pattern using isobars (lines of equal pressure) and indicate areas of high (H) and low pressure (L) along with their central pressure value. Isobars are...

Pressure Forecast Map Layer

A map overlay showing mean sea level pressure in isobars also known as surface pressure for the UK. Single tile map layer images are provided three hourly from T+0 to T+36.

ITE Wash Birds and Invertebrates report 1988

Two surveys of the sediments and macro-invertebrates of intertidal areas of the Wash were undertaken during late September to early November 1998 and 1999. In 1998, 113 sites, each 1 ha in area...

Interactive CNS Pressure Cells Map

HPHT fields in the North Sea account for a significant portion of UK total production. Expediting the successful exploitation of new HPHT structures in the UKCS can play a major role in maximising...

2003 - Ongoing, EIFCA, (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority), The Wash, Mussel Survey

Mussel surveys are carried out once a year during Autumn/Winter. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management (opening times, Total Allowable Catch, which cockle beds to...

2003 - Ongoing, EIFCA, (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority), The Wash, Mussel Survey

Mussel surveys are carried out once a year during Autumn/Winter. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management (opening times, Total Allowable Catch, which cockle beds to...

CNS Pressure Data and Shapefiles

HPHT fields in the North Sea account for a significant portion of UK total production. Expediting the successful exploitation of new HPHT structures in the UKCS can play a major role in maximising...

Marine human activities-pressures links table

This standardised UK pressure-activities matrix was created following a review of previous attempts to link human activities to marine pressures. Coastal and marine ecosystems have historically...

2001-2011 Natural England, Wash pup counts.

Survey name: 2001-2011 Natural England, Wash pup counts. This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine environments. The survey purposes vary and include...

Habitat point records from 1998 ITE The Wash littoral survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1998 and 1999. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 3 random 10 cm...

Species point records from 1998 ITE The Wash littoral survey

Littoral survey of The Wash by Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Autumn of 1998 and 1999. All invertebrate data are expressed as mean densities per square meter calculated from 3 random 10 cm...

2010 to Present EIFCA (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority) The Wash Intertidal Cockle Surveys

Intertidal cockle surveys are conducted annually in spring between the end of March and throughout April. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management of the Wash Fishery...

2010 to Present EIFCA (Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority) The Wash Intertidal Cockle Surveys

Intertidal cockle surveys are conducted annually in spring between the end of March and throughout April. Data is collected for stock assessments to inform fisheries management of the Wash Fishery...

2015 David Fenwick Challaborough Devon Ad-hoc sightings and kelp holdfast washing records

A collection of species obtained by washing kelp holdfasts. The purpose of this survey was to search for species not recorded before.

2015 David Fenwick Challaborough Devon Ad-hoc sightings and kelp holdfast washing records

A collection of species obtained by washing kelp holdfasts. The purpose of this survey was to search for species not recorded before.

Species point records from 1982 Dipper Wash sublittoral diving/dredging survey

This report notes the importance in the Wash of the sublittoral faunal populations, which may be a source of recruitment to the intertidal areas, for nature conservation and for fisheries. Although...

Habitat point records from 1982 Dipper Wash sublittoral diving/dredging survey

This report notes the importance in the Wash of the sublittoral faunal populations, which may be a source of recruitment to the intertidal areas, for nature conservation and for fisheries. Although...

2003 Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) The Wash Ensis directus records

Grab survey of The Wash mussel beds. This dataset is a subset, detailing the records of Ensis directus.