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Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

Office Furniture Specifications

Specifications and details of products by supplier that meet HMRC requirements. Updated: ad hoc.

Deployment Specific Forward Inventory Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that advise how many of which piece parts are expected to be needed for specific deployments of Maritime units on Operations and Exercises.


Maintained set of regions to continue supporting statistical analysis. Currently there are no maintained regions for Scotland and Wales.

Platform Specific Consolidated Allowance List Information System

Presentation tools – and associated data sets - that inform decisions about how many of which piece parts should be held onboard each ship and submarine to meet expected demand for them.

Regional Authority

With the introduction of the regional government for London (referred to as the Greater London Authority or GLA by OS NGD documentation), the proportional representation voting area for this new...

Alcohol-specific hospital admissions (CCGOIS 3.14)

Directly age and sex standardised admission rate for alcohol-specific conditions per 100,000 registered patients, 95% confidence intervals. Current version updated: Sep-17 Next version due: Dec-17

WFD Cycle 2 Specific Pollutants Classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" product and contains classification data for the sub element Specific Pollutants (abbreviated to SP) as used in the...

Site Specific Policies

Boundary of Site Specific Policies within North Ayrshire as set out in the Local Development Plan

Regional competitiveness and State of the Regions

Presents statistical information that illustrated the factors that contributed to regional competitiveness. Source agency: Business, Innovation and Skills Designation: National...

Emergency alcohol-specific readmission to any hospital within 30 days of discharge following an alcohol-specific admission (CCGOIS 3.15)

Indirectly age and sex standardised ratio of emergency readmissions with a primary diagnosis or an external cause code of an alcohol-specific condition within 30 days of a previous discharge...

Historic European Region

The exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 01 January 2021 resulted in the repeal of the European Regions as active electoral areas. For the purposes of Boundary Review, the original...

Public Awareness of Travelwise Northern Ireland Initiatives

Travelwise NI is the Department for Regional Development's (DRD) initiative to encourage people to choose sustainable transport options such as walking, cycling, public transport or car sharing....

Northern Ireland Concessionary Fares Users' Survey

Northern Ireland Concessionary Fares User Survey is a statistical bulletin about customer usage of the Concessionary Fares Scheme and the Section 75 profile of Concessionary Fare holders. The...

Travel Survey for Northern Ireland

The publication contains information on journeys taken by Northern Ireland residents by mode of travel and purpose of journey. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation:...

Public Perceptions on Car Emissions

The publication contains data on public opinion regarding car/van emissions. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Smart and Integrated Ticketing Report

Report to investigate the awareness of and use made of multi-journey tickets on bus and train journeys. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern Ireland) Designation: Official Statistics not...

Northern Ireland Road and Rail Quarterly Bulletin

The publication contains data relating to the use of public transport and deliveries of petrol and diesel for use in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Regional Development (Northern...

Allerdale Specific Financial Land Charge

Specific Financial charge recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent. Specific Charges as defined under Section 2 of the Land Charge Register.

Northern Ireland Transport Statistics

The publication contains data relating to vehicle registrations, driver and vehicle testing, road network, road freight, road safety, public transport, air transport, accessible transport and...