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Secondment & Interchange Spreadsheets

Details of individuals currently seconded from or to DfTc including names, job titles, allowance, information on salary

Second Tier Pension Provision

Second Tier Pension Provision provides the latest estimates on contracted out pension scheme and SERPS/S2P membership since the introduction of contracted out schemes in 1978/79 published by the...

Second homes

Are there many properties used as second homes in our local area? How many people live locally and own a second homes elsewhere in England and Wales? You can use this summary of Census 2011 data,...

Defra Human Resources Secondments Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

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Second Estimate of GDP

'Estimates of the key components of GDP from the output, expenditure and income approaches.' Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Defra's Marine Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 6 arc seconds

This dataset contains Digital Elevation Model (DEM) shapefiles for the waters surrounding the United Kingdom to a depth of 200 metres. This resolution is 6 arc seconds which covers the widest...

Secondary School areas of second priority

This datasets contains the boundaries of the areas of second priortiy for secondary schools. Each school is given an area of priority and children that live within that area are given priority...

Summary of Claims for the Second Half of 2015

This is a Housing Benefit dataset for all new claims and change of circumstances received by the London Borough of Barnet in the second half of 2015.

NCMD second annual report

Analysis of child deaths, 2019-20. NCMD’s second annual report is based on data for children who died from 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 in England, providing analysis of the 3,347 children who...

Defra's Marine Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 1 arc second (south)

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset is currently only available via an SFTP connection via a large data request here: This dataset contains Digital...

Defra's Marine Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - 1 arc second (north)

PLEASE NOTE: This dataset is currently only available via an SFTP connection via a large data request here: This dataset contains Digital...

Most Favoured Nation (MFN) rates to trade with the UK from 1 January 2021

This dataset has now been archived and will no longer be updated. For an up-to-date list of Most Favoured Nation (MFN) rates, see...

YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

YCC % Calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL *This indicator has been discontinued

Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

Benefits % calls answered in 20 seconds - TOTAL

Outstanding providers list

The outstanding providers list includes early years registered providers, maintained schools, independent schools, colleges and providers of work-based learning, adult education and children’s...

NI 065 - Percentage of children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time

The indicator measures the number who had previously been the subject of a child protection plan, or on the child protection register of that council, regardless of how long ago that was against...

NI 065 - Percentage of children becoming the subject of Child Protection Plan for a second or subsequent time

The indicator measures the number who had previously been the subject of a child protection plan, or on the child protection register of that council, regardless of how long ago that was against...

Second UK Habitats Directive report (2007) - Follow up actions to this report

This dataset has been produced from a project identifying necessary actions to demonstrate real conservation progress, as required by the Habitats Directive. Since 2007 JNCC, working through its...

Second UK Habitats Directive report (2007) - UK level species details

This dataset contains details of all the Species Reports that summarise the conservation status of Species listed under the Habitats Directive. Every six years, all EU Member States are required...