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836 results found

Section 106

Section 106 legal agreements between Wirral Council and developers, under the TPA 1990. Formerley known as Section 52 agreements

Section 106

Locations in Stockport of Section 106 agreements

Mendip District Council Section 106 & Section 52 Agreements

Locations of Section 106 and Section 52 Agreements within the Mendip District Council local authority area. Section 106 agreements allow for Local Planning Authorities and persons interested in...


Planning Obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, known as S106 agreements.


Section 106 captured as regions using Ordnance Survey MasterMap. Section 106 agreements are drawn up when it is considered that a development will have negative impacts on the local area that...

Section 106 Land

Section 106 Land

Section 106 Agreements

Overlay shows the extent of section 106 boundaries as polygons within Eastleigh Borough Council. A section106 agreement is a legally binding obligation attached to a piece of land. They enable the...

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 Agreements within Warwick District

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 agreements within Milton Keynes

Section 106 Agreements

Wychavon District Council Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 Orders

Section 106 Orders (S106) within Mole Valley, Surrey. Section 106's are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable. Upon...

Section 106 Orders

Section 106 Orders (S106) within Mole Valley, Surrey. Section 106's are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable. Upon...

Section 52 106

Data set on Section 52 106

Section 106 Agreements

Section 106 Legal Agreements within the Wealden District Council administrative area

Copy Seismic Sections.

This document data set contains paper copies of many of the seismic reflection survey sections from the original seismic sections data set (ORIGSEISECS) . These have been made for interpretation....

Section 106

Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in...

Section 106

Section 106's (S106's) registered (in the local land charges register) after 1 January 2012 located within the Hastings Borough Council Administrative area (polygon dataset). S106's registered...

Liverpool Section 106 Notices

Section 106 Notices, infrastructure levy

Section 106 Agreements

A Section 106 is a legal agreement between an applicant seeking planning permission and the local planning authority, which is used to mitigate the impact of your new home on the local community...

Section 106 Legal Agreements

Section 106 legal agreements for Coventry.