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292 results found

Police transformation fund

The police transformation fund is intended to transform policing by investing in digitalisation, a diverse and flexible workforce and new capabilities to respond to changing crimes and...

Transforming Local Infrastructure Programme Grant Awards

Details of the grants made to 74 organisations across England in early 2012 under the Transforming Local Infrastructure Programme, totalling £30,016,086. The Transforming Local Infrastructure...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2018) EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2018. The boundaries are generalised (20m) - clipped to the coastline...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2018) EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2018. The boundaries are full resolution - clipped to the coastline (Mean...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2018) EN BSC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2018. The boundaries are super generalised (200m) - clipped to the...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2018) EN BUC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2018. The boundaries are ultra generalised (500m) - clipped to the...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2018) EN BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2018. The boundaries are full resolution - extent of the realm (usually...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2021) EN BFC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, in England, as at April 2021.The boundaries available are:(BFC) Full resolution - clipped to the...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2021) EN BGC

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, in England, as at April 2021.The boundaries available are:(BGC) Generalised (20m) - clipped to...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2021) EN BFE

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, in England, as at April 2021.The boundaries available are:(BFE) Full resolution - extent of the...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (February 2017) Map in England

A PDF map showing the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at February 2017.  (File Size - 793 KB)

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (February 2017) Map in EN

A PDF map showing the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at February 2017.  (File Size - 793 KB)

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2019) Map in EN

A PDF map showing the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2019.  (File Size - 510 KB)

Chemical analysis of nitrogen transformations in biochar amended soil

These data are from an investigation of the effects of biochar application to soil, on soil greenhouse gas emissions and N transformations within the soil. Biochar is a carbon rich substance which...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2020) Map in EN

A PDF map showing the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2020.  (File Size - 228 KB)

2012 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) West Tiree benthic camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey (cruise 1621A) west of the island of Tiree was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of species and habitats of recognised conservation...

2012 Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) biological analyses of Marine Scotland Science (MSS) West Tiree benthic camera survey

The purpose of this benthic survey (cruise 1621A) west of the island of Tiree was to improve knowledge of the occurrence and distribution of species and habitats of recognised conservation...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2021) EN BUC (V2)

This file contains the digital vector boundaries for Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships, in England, as at April 2021.The boundaries available are: (BUC) Ultra generalised (500m) -...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1298, Passage of Tiree, (01/11/2011 to 26/10/2012)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1298; Passage of...

Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (April 2018) Map in EN

A PDF map showing the Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships in England as at April 2018.  (File Size - 353 KB)