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6,441 results found

Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 - DfT measure - BUS0109a)

Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 - DfT measure - BUS0109a)

How indirect taxes can be regressive and progressive

An analysis of how UK household indirect taxes can be both regressive and progressive depending on whether the distribution of households were ranked according to their disposable income, or their...

Flood modelling simulations for Can Tho city, Vietnam

The dataset describes the inundation results simulated by high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling system (HiPIMS) model for the pluvial flooding and fluvial flooding in Can Tho city...

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality.

% of Talkabout panel who agree that they can influence decisions in their local area

% of Talkabout panel who agree that they can influence decisions in their local area This is a measure of the Talkabout panel members who agree that they can influence decisions in their local...

% of Talkabout panel who disagree that they can influence decisions in their local area

% of Talkabout panel who disagree that they can influence decisions in their local area

% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area

% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area *This indicator is discontinued

NI 004 - Percentage of people who feel they can influence decisions in their locality

People who feel they can influence decisions in their locality Source: Placed-Based Survey Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies: Local Authority District (LAD), County/Unitary...

% of panel who state it is important that residents can influence decisions in their local area

% of panel who state it is important that residents can influence decisions in their local area

% of residents who agree that they can influence decisions in their local area - Agree (All Responses)

% of residents who agree that they can influence decisions in their local area - Agree (All Responses) *This indicator is discontinued

% of panel who state it is not important that residents can influence decisions in their local area

% of panel who state it is not important that residents can influence decisions in their local area

What can we learn about social integration in London from Twitter?

At the beginning of 2019 the Greater London Authority (GLA) commissioned Ipsos MORI to develop a deeper understanding of social integration using publicly accessible Twitter data.  The research...

Flood Defence Structures

The National Flood Asset Database records flood infrastructure in Wales managed by Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW). It includes many embankments,...

LBB Performance Data 2019/20

As part of the new Corporate Plan (Barnet 2024), each Theme Committee produced an Annual Delivery Plan for 2019/20 which identified performance indicators. Performance indicators are reported...

LBB Performance Reporting 2017/18

The quarterly performance of the measures of success outlined in the council's Corporate Plan. Further information can be found at the following links: Corporate Plan and performance Reporting...

Ipswich Borough Council - Recycling Point

Ipswich has many different sites where you can recycle a variety of items. Data set includes the type of items, you can recycle.

EV Charging Points In Chelmsford

This displays the EV Charging Points in an ever growing Chelmsford. This is so our eco-friendly citizens can learn where they can charge their EV's.


The council’s Constitution is the document that describes what we can and can’t do in the decision making process, and establishes the legal framework in which we operate.

Kick Start Funding

The flagship Kickstart programme offers rapid action in recession. House-building projects can take years to complete, but under Kickstart once cash has been confirmed builders can return to work...

Salmon production model

The bio-economic model can be used to identify and summarise potential production scenarios for Atlantic Salmon. Users can specify an initial fish weight, time of year and desired harvest...