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436 results found

Impact indicator: troubled families

Percentage of Troubled Families local authorities have identified and are committed to working with #### How the figure is calculated: The figure is the number of all troubled families that have...

Evaluation of the Troubled Families Programme

Set of files containing individual level data on outcomes associated with the Troubled Families Programme (2012 to 2015). The data is part of a national evaluation of the Troubled Families...

Input indicator: local authorities working with troubled families

This indicator reports the percentage of local authorities who have begun to identify and work with troubled families in their area as part of DCLG's programme. #### How the figure is...

% of Troubled Families who have achieved an outcome

% of Troubled Families who have achieved an outcome *This indicator has been discontinued

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Employment *This indicator is discontinued

Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015)

Number of Troubled Families turned around - (New 2014/2015) *This indicator is discontinued

Number of Troubled Families On-Programme (New for 2016/17)

Number of Troubled Families On-Programme (New for 2016/17) *This indicator has been discontinued

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria)

Number of Troubled Families (Families identified with 2 or more headline criteria) *This indicator has been discontinued

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues

Troubled Families: Number of families “turned around” for Education and Crime/ASB issues *This indicator is discontinued

Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been worked with

Troubled Families: Number of identified families that are being/have been worked with *This indicator has been discontinued.

Pay As You Earn (PAYE)

Administrative dataset on PAYE submissions.

Pay Multiple and Pay Policy Statement

Rochdale Borough Council produces an annual Pay Policy Statement under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 which includes the policy on pay dispersion.

Pay multiple

The pay multiple defined as a ratio and the pay policy document.

Pay Multiple

City of York Council's Pay Policy, including details on "pay multiple", which corresponds to the ratio between the highest and the median earnings figures of Council's whole workforce.

Pay Policy

In accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, the council has agreed a pay policy statement that covers a number of matters concerning the pay of the authority's staff, principally...

Pay multiple

Hounslow Council pay multiple, defined as the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any...

Pendle Pay Multiple

Under Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 Councils are encouraged to produce Pay Policy Statements which include their policy on pay dispersion, which is the relationship between remuneration of...

Pay Multiple

This dataset contains a breakdown of pay dispersal within Blaby District Council for each financial year. The information is taken from our annual Pay Policy Statement and compares the highest...

Gender Pay Gap

Gender pay gap report for Calderdale Council published as part of our [Public Sector Equality...

Gender Pay Gap

This covers all employees of Leicester City Council except those based in schools.  Included are all staff permanently and temporarily employed on the last day of the pay period.  This includes...