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49 results found

High-resolution temperature and precipitation measurements for fire-affected locations in Australia (2019-2020) and Tenerife (2020-2021)

This dataset includes temperature and precipitation depth measurements in 10 min intervals taken in 2 locations and time periods after forest fires: - Madre del Agua (Tenerife, Spain): 17/11/20 to...

Measurements of tree motion in the wind collated from multiple studies undertaken in the UK, Puerto Rico and Australia between 1987-2015

This dataset contains high resolution measurements of tree motion in response to wind at six sites. The data was collected using sensors mounted directly onto the tree trunk. The sites are: Rivox,...

Dyke-induced fault measurements and predicted dyke properties offshore NW Australia (NERC Grant NE/R014086/1)

Fault analyses used to estimate underlying dyke properties, imaged in 3D seismic reflection data. The seismic reflection data are located offshore NW Australia and image a series of Late Jurassic...

Mathematically modelled daily water saturation profiles for sites on the Namoi River floodplain in south-east Australia at different distances from the river

This dataset comprises mathematically modelled data of soil-water saturation, along vertical profiles, at 6 sites near the Namoi River, south-eastern Australia. The vertical profiles span the soil...

Thermal and microwave paleointensity data measured at the University of Liverpool on natural clinkers from Montana, USA, vitrified fort and volcanic material from Scotland, and volcanic material from the Yandiniling Dike Swarm, Australia

All paleointensity data gathered from the project at University of Liverpool. The data is divided into multiple four letter coded sections which refer to a specific locality and/or experiment type....

Record of Overseas teachers awarded QTS through mutual recognition EEA, Sco, NI, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, USA

Part of the dataset held in the CRM Evolve national database of qualified teachers. This is a live dataset including historical data from previous responsible agencies. Details of individual...

Mesoarchean Sulphur Springs Group, Australia, stable carbon, nitrogen isotopes and metal abundances (NERC grant NE/V010824/1)

Organic carbon and bulk nitrogen isotope and abundance data and metal abundance data from the Mesoarchean VMS deposit and associated strata. Detailed information is given in Stueeken, E.E.,...

Physical and chemical properties of wildfire ash collected from different ecosystems and burn severities across the globe, 2003-2021

This dataset describes the chemical and physical properties of wildfire ash collected following wildland fires in different ecosystems and burn severity conditions across the globe. For the...

Exploring the hidden shallows: inner-shelf reef growth and future trajectories of reef geomorphic change (NERC grant NE/J023329/1)

Four datasets for NERC grant NE/J023329/1, Paluma Shoals reef complex, Halifax Bay, central Great Barrier Reef, Australia. DATASET 1: Single Beam acoustic survey data. This dataset comprises the...

Ship data from Tasman and Coral Seas 2019 (NERC Grant NE/S01067X/1)

These data are derived from a voyage on Australia’s R/V Investigator, IN2019_v04, ‘Hotspot dynamics in the Coral Sea: connections between the Australian plate and the deep Earth’. The voyage...

Post voyage analyses from Tasman and Coral Seas 2019 (NERC Grant NE/S01067X/1)

These data are derived from a voyage on Australia’s R/V Investigator, IN2019_v04, ‘Hotspot dynamics in the Coral Sea: connections between the Australian plate and the deep Earth’. The voyage...

Chemical data for River waters and sequential extractions from river sediments (NERC grant NE/K000705/1)

Paired water and river sediment samples were collected from Vietnam Australia, Cambodia and Nepal. Waters were analysed for major ions, Sr isotopes and Mg isotopes. Sediments were sequentially...

Environmental conditions, ozone concentration, biomass and leaf level functional trait data for 10 tropical tree species grown across a range of ozone concentrations within nine Open Top Chambers, Cairns, Australia

This dataset contains measurements of ozone (O3) concentrations, and environmental conditions experienced by tropical tree species grown in a series of experiments using Open Top Chambers (OTC’s)...

EU Project: CO2CARE - CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research

The CO2CARE (CO2 Site Closure Assessment REsearch) project focused on site closure and preparation for transfer of liability of a CO2 storage project in order to assist regulatory authorities and...

Downcore Foraminifera Data (NERC grant NE/J023329/1)

This dataset comprises a record of benthic foraminifera count data from three cores that were analysed to assess down core changes in foraminifera abundance from the Paluma Shoals reef complex,...

Initiation files for Fluidity numerical modelling code, used in the paper Suchoy et al., 2020 (NERC Grant NE/K010743/1)

Initiation files for 2D numerical models for Fluidity code. The models simulate subduction of an oceanic plate under various conditions described in Suchoy et al., 2020. The models use temperature,...

ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) data of cobalt bearing ore materials used in the CoG3 project. (NERC Grant NE/M011488/1)

NERC Grant NE/M011488/1 ICP bulk chemistry as wt% oxide or elemental ppm of limonites from Acoje (Philippines), Caldag (Turkey), Nkamouna (Cameroon), Piaui (Brazil) and Shevchenko (Kazakhstan)...

Aa Indices.

The aa index is a simple global geomagnetic activity index, with units of 1 nT (nanotesla), which is produced from the K indices from two approximately antipodal observatories. At present these are...

Susceptibility, hysteresis, coercivity, isothermal remanent magnetisation and thermomagnetic curve Rock Magnetic data measured at University of Liverpool (NERC Grant NE/P00170X/1)

Rock magnetic data corresponding to demagnetisation (LIV_DEMAG) and paleointensity (LIV_PI) data submitted as part of this grant. This data is divided into two subfolders, "Kappabridge" and "VFTB",...

Bulk XRD (X-ray Diffraction) powder diffraction data of cobalt bearing raw materials used in the CoG3 NERC project (NERC Grant NE/M011488/1)

NERC Grant NE/M011488/1 X-ray powder diffraction patterns as xy datasets of limonites from Acoje (Philippines), Caldag (Turkey), Nkamouna (Cameroon), Piaui (Brazil) and Shevchenko (Kazakhstan)...