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Channels in Devon

Channels in Devon forming part of the highway drainage system

In-Channel Stoplogs

Spatial layer of flood risk structures. Attribute of in-channel stoplogs.

AIMS Channel

An asset that conveys water Asset Sub-Types include: Complex Culvert, Open Channel, Simple Culvert See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

RSA: Channel Tunnel rail statistics

Statistics on channel tunnel rail passengers and freight

AIMS Channel Crossing

An asset that allows access across a channel. Asset Sub Types include: Bridge; Utility Services For more information visit the Data Requirements Library:...

Cross-channel Smuggling survey (XCS)

Cross-channel Smuggling survey. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2001/02, 2002/03, 2000/01

Cross-channel smuggling survey (XCS)

Cross-channel Smuggling survey. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2001/02, 2002/03, 2000/01

Mesozooplankton abundance in the Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea and English Channel 2012-2016

Mesozooplankton abundance data gathered as part of an annual autumn pelagic survey in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bristol Channel, running from 2012-2016. Samples were obtained using twin...

Meso and macrozooplankton abundance in the Bristol Channel, Celtic Sea and English Channel 2017-2023

Mesozooplankton (down to ~300µm size) and macrozooplankton abundance data gathered as part of an ongoing annual autumn pelagic survey in the English Channel, Celtic Sea and Bristol Channel, with...

Irish Sea Pilot: North Channel Peaks: Peaks Area

North Channel Peaks Area. Part of the Irish Sea Pilot. Additional information source: Mitchell, A.J. and Service, M. 2004. North Channel Peaks Area (NW Irish Sea) Habitat Mapping. Report to JNCC.

Irish Sea Pilot: North Channel Peaks: Peak4

North Channel Peak 4. Part of the Irish Sea Pilot. Additional information source: Mitchell, A.J. and Service, M. 2004. North Channel Peaks Area (NW Irish Sea) Habitat Mapping. Report to JNCC.

Irish Sea Pilot: North Channel Peaks: Peak1

North Channel Peak 1. Part of the Irish Sea Pilot. Additional information source: Mitchell, A.J. and Service, M. 2004. North Channel Peaks Area (NW Irish Sea) Habitat Mapping. Report to JNCC.

British Geological Survey (BGS) Sampling Survey 1975/4: Bristol Channel and English Channel (10/Apr/1975 to 25/Jul/1975)

This British Geological Survey (BGS) regional marine sampling survey took place from April to July 1975 in Outer Bristol Channel and English Channel on board the MV Whitethorn. Seabed samples and...

2007-2010 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

This project applied data storage tags (DSTs) and double T-bar tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus*) to obtain data that describe and quantify crab movements, growth, mortality and behaviour in...

2007-2010 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

This project applied data storage tags (DSTs) and double T-bar tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus*) to obtain data that describe and quantify crab movements, growth, mortality and behaviour in...

1968-1974 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

Crab tagging release and recapture data collected from 1968 to 1974. This project applied Petersen disc tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus)* to obtain data that describe and quantify crab...

1968-1974 English Channel Crab Tagging Programme

Crab tagging release and recapture data collected from 1968 to 1974. This project applied Petersen disc tags to edible crabs (*Cancer pagurus)* to obtain data that describe and quantify crab...

English Channel Plankton Survey - RV Corystes 08/92

This survey was carried out in the English Channel between 26th June to 21st July 1992 by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. Its aim was to locate a patch of crab...

English Channel Plankton Survey - RV Corystes 08/92

This survey was carried out in the English Channel between 26th June to 21st July 1992 by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. Its aim was to locate a patch of crab...

Western Channel Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2012

38 videos taken at Western Channel. The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).