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970 results found

Crime in England and Wales:Quarterly Report

Presents the most recent crime statistics from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Employers' Pension Provision Survey

Quantitative survey of employers carried out approximately every two years since 1994. Anonymised versions of the 2005 to 2011 datasets are held by DWP for analysis by pension analysts. The survey...

NI 199 - Children and young people's satisfaction with parks and play areas

Children and young people's satisfaction with parks and play areas in their locality "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are discontinued. The data for all 200 datasets are archived...

Local Environment Quality Survey for England, 2014-15

Data for the Local Environment Quality Survey for England, 2014-15. Includes data on the following: litter; detritus; graffiti; fly-posting; recent leaf and blossom fall; weed growth; and staining....

NI 115 - Substance misuse by young people

Percentage of respondents to the survey reporting either frequent misuse of drugs or alcohol or both. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are discontinued. The data for all 200...

NI 109d - Delivery of Sure Start Children's Centres

The number of centres designated against the number of designations forecast in trajectory, expressed as a percentage. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are discontinued. The data...

NI 109 - Delivery of Sure Start Children's Centres

The number of centres designated against the number of designations forecast in trajectory, expressed as a percentage. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are discontinued. The data...

Social Investment Fund Foundations data notes

Compares the net asset value of twelve UK charitable foundations against their grant making and social investment expenditure during one financial year. The dataset has been sourced from analysis...

NI 086 - Secondary schools judged as having good or outstanding standards of behaviour

Number of schools graded 1 and 2 on behaviour as a percentage of the total number of schools inspected in the 2005-2008 cycle. "National Indicator" datasets are discontinued. The data for all...

NI 069 - Children who have experienced bullying

Number of pupils responding that they have experienced bullying against the number of pupils completing the survey, expressed as a percentage. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are...

NI 050 - Emotional health of children

Percentage of children whose emotional health is good and will be based on responses to individual questions, drawn from the TellUs Survey. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one are...

The Pocket Data Bank (Weekly Economic Indicators)

The Pocket databank is a weekly HM Treasury statistical publication, containing major economic indicators and series for both the domestic and international economies. The focus of the Pocket...

NI 110 - Young peoples participation in positive activities

The percentage of young people 13-19, participating in structured positive activities against the total number of young people in the 13-19 cohort. "National Indicator" datasets such as this one...

Prescriptions Dispensed in the Community

A summary of prescriptions dispensed in the community by community pharmacists, appliance contractors and dispensing doctors in England. The bulletin highlights recent changes and the main trends...

Analysis of MIlk Selling Arrangements on Dairy Farms in England 2008/09

This release lists some key findings from the report of a recent survey of milk selling arrangements by a sample of dairy farms in the Farm Business Survey in England. Source agency:...

Summary provisional statistics on breath alcohol screening tests England and Wales

The bulletin provides some provisional analysis based on the results of breath alcohol tests administered by police in 2009 at the roadside using recently introduced new digital breath testing...

Learning Disability Services Monthly Census

This statistical release makes available the most recent data relating to patients with learning disabilities receiving in-patient care commissioned in England.

British council corporate plan and other key corporate documents in electronic form

British Council - Most recent British Council corporate plan and other key corporate documents such as the governance agreements with the Foreign and commonwealth Office

Bona Vacantia Unclaimed Estates and Adverts

The Bona Vacantia Division advertises the estates of deceased persons for kin to identify their own entitlement. The list available below contains all unclaimed estates held by the Bona...

Former Local Authority Districts

This dataset lists a number of local authority districts that existed in the 1990s. These former local authority districts appear in some statistical datasets of the DCLG, but are sufficiently...