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831 results found

National Archives - Calls to the Contact Centre 2019-20

The Contact Centre is the First Point of Contact (FPoC) for all general enquiries, for the public and members of staff by telephone. It provides information on records and services alike, and...

HMRC Equality Act: Workforce Information

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is required under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (the Public Sector Equality Duty) and the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011 to publish...

National Diet and Nutrition Survey: Years 5-9

The National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme (NDNS RP) is a continuous cross-sectional survey, designed to assess the diet, nutrient intake and nutritional status of the general...

Restrictive Covenants

HM Land Registry’s Restrictive Covenants data contains entries made in the Title Register that record binding conditions that determine what an owner can, or cannot do, with their land or property...

Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy agreements in Oxford City Council Administrative Area

Section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy agreements in Oxford City Council Administrative Area

UK Visas & Immigration asylum data

This record contains data on: the older live cases unit (OLCU); the appeal representation rate; decision quality; the breakdown of adult asylum intake and 6 month decisions by gender; the breakdown...

Environment (Wales) Act Section 7 and OSPAR: Marine Habitats

Under the Environment (Wales) Act (2016), Section 7 requires biodiversity lists to be produced. These lists include types of habitats which are of 'Principle Importance' for the purpose of...

Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) website section updates

Annual updates to various sections of the ScotPHO website, including key points, policy context, key data sources, references and data summaries. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National...

Cardbox Minor Schemes, Widows, PAT Despatch, Section Support

Details of cases and data which cannot be stored on other systems, i.e. War Pensions Computer System

Environment (Wales) Act Section 7 and OSPAR: Marine Species

Under the Environment (Wales) Act (2016), Section 7 requires biodiversity lists to be produced. These lists include types of species which are of 'Principle Importance' for the purpose of...

Index to the BGS collection of geologist's field notebooks and section books.

An index to the manuscript notebook collection was set up in the 1990's. The notebooks themselves contain detailed information gathered by BGS geologists (or other recognised geologists) from...

Channel cross-sections for the CEH River Lambourn Observatory at Boxford

This dataset contains channel cross-sections for the River Lambourn and Westbrook Channel at the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) River Lambourn Observatory at Boxford, Berkshire. The CEH...


A road feature is a link set which represents a collection of road link features that share the same name (for example, Bilston Road) or classification number (for example, A41), used primarily by...

Department of Energy & Climate Change business plan quarterly data summary (QDS)

The Business Plan Quarterly Data Summary (QDS) has been developed to report departmental performance and allow comparison between departments. The QDS is divided into three sections: Spending,...

Influences of soil type on forest growth (Cloich 2005)

Summarising, the objectives of the Cloich project were: To identify the influence of underlying soil & lithology on forest growth of up to 30 years; To select cross-sectional discs of tree...

Financial reports on Local Authority expenditure on their education and children's social care functions

Local Authorities are required under section 251 of the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 to prepare and submit an education and children’s social care outturn statement....

Firearms database

Contains details of all those who have applied for and have been granted section 5 authority to possess prohibited weapons.

DefSy-ResPers-Per Sy Data Records

A spreadsheet holding detail on all paper files held within the section relating to DV and SC clearance cases requiring DBR-DefSy action.

EWCO - Keeping Rivers Cool Riparian Buffers

Spatial data supporting appropriately located and designed woodland creation where this will provide dappled shade to improve aquatic ecology by reducing summer water temperatures and benefiting...

Environment (Wales) Act Section 7 Terrestrial Habitats of Principle Importance

Under the Environment (Wales) Act (2016), Section 7 requires biodiversity lists to be produced. These lists include types of habitats which are of "Principle Importance" for the purpose of...