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Building Control Applications

Data related to all building control applications.

Building Control Applications Northumberland

Building Control Register of Applications including Competent Persons

Building Control Delegated Decisions on Applications 2014/2015

Building Control Delegated Decisions on Applications 2014/2015

Building Control Delegated Decisions on Applications 2015/2016

Building Control Delegated Decisions on Applications 2015/2016

Manage a building control application for a higher-risk building service performance data

This page provides data on the performance of the Manage a building control application for a higher-risk building service. The data is updated every 3 months.

Planning Application Listed Building Consent

Guidance, criteria and forms for Listed Building Consent can be found below.

Tall Buildings

Polygon dataset of all tall buildings (buildings over 50m AOD in height) in the City. Polygons determined by building footprint or site boundary for proposed buildings. More detail provided in the...

Building Control Register

This is the Building Control Register which contains details about building control applications and decision notices (for full plans only).  It is updated on a monthly basis.  In accordance with...

Planning Applications

Development Control planning applications regulate land use and new buildings.

Building Standards (DEPRECATED) - Scotland

A Building Standards Register is maintained by local authorities under the terms of Section 24 of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003. Local authorities are responsible for granting permission for...

Locally Listed Buildings

Local Lists of Historic Buildings recognise locally distinctive historic or architecturally significant buildings and structures. Typically these lists identify buildings and structures that are of...

Locally Listed Buildings

Local Lists of Historic Buildings recognise locally distinctive historic or architecturally significant buildings and structures. Typically these lists identify buildings and structures that are of...

Building Standards - Scotland

This new building standards data has been created using a custom built 'Cloud Connector Framework' which enables the automated collection of data from local data systems on a DAILY basis. There...

Allerdale Building Control Register

Building Control Register of Applications including Competent Persons developed work recorded as polygon extents from the BLPU extents.

Locally Listed Buildings (Polygons)

Local Lists of Historic Buildings recognise locally distinctive historic or architecturally significant buildings and structures. Typically these lists identify buildings and structures that are of...

Listed Buildings

There are over 350 listed buildings in Leicester, which are subject to special planning controls, and the Council also maintains a 'Local Heritage Asset Register' (more commonly known as the 'Local...


Buildings that consist of multiple adjoining building parts.  When contained in a Land Use Site, adjoining building parts will be represented by a single feature. The latest data schema version...

Planning Application Full Permission

Guidance, criteria and forms for Full Planning Permission Applications can be found below. A Full Planning Permission is a detailed planning application for development, excluding householder...

Planning Applications

Details of all current and historic planning applications received by London Borough of Barnet that we hold electronic records for since 1965. A person proposing to alter, extend, build or change...

OS MasterMap Building Height Attribute

OS MasterMap Topography Layer – Building Height Attribute shows building height properties to help manage assets, plan works and visualise urban density. Building Height Attribute is an...