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223 results found

Penalty Notices for Disorder

Number of penalty notices for disorder (PND) for notifiable offences, across Local Criminal Justice Board areas

Penalty notices for disorder

Number of penalty notices for disorder issued to offenders of all ages Source: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Publisher: Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Geographies: Police Force Area Geographic coverage:...

Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England

This publication is known as 'Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England and Wales 2008 (NS)', which will be published on 29th January 2010. Please refer to this publication for more...

Learning Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorders Data

A subset of statistics from the Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) providing the data for people identified as having learning disabilities and/or autistic spectrum disorder (LDA)...

Consumer Price Indices

Contains price indices, percentage changes and weights for the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), Retail Prices Index (RPI) and the components that make up these indices. Internationally, the CPI is...

Statistics of mentally disordered offenders, England and Wales

This bulletin is an annual publication that summarises information about people subject to a restriction order (restricted patients) admitted to, detained in, or discharged from psychiatric...

Focus on Consumer Prices

The July 2011 edition of the Focus on Consumer Price Indices, is the final publication of data in this format. From 28 August 2011 all data published as part of the Consumer Price Indices...

Consumer Insights tracking survey

This survey monitors consumer behaviors and attitudes in relation to food availability, affordability and confidence in the food industry and its regulators. This survey was established in November...

Consumer Price Inflation

An analysis of trends in inflation since 1947 as measured by the Retail Prices Index (RPI). Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Handwashing consumer tracker

This dataset includes all the data collected by the Handwashing consumer tracker survey, collected quarterly via Ipsos MORI’s i:omnibus. The survey is based on adults (aged 16-75) living in...

FCA: Consumer investments data review 2021

The FCA summarises its work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market, between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. The FCA's 2021/22 Business Plan sets out its consumer priorities for the year...

Communal Heating Consumer Survey Report

The Communal Heating Consumer Survey was conducted in October 2017 to collect feedback from consumers on their views on the quality and satisfaction of the communal heating scheme which provides...

Regional Consumer Price Levels

Gives ONS' estimates of the relative differences in consumer prices between regions. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Autism Spectrum Disorders in adults living in households throughout England

A Clinical Evaluation of the Diagnosis of Autistic Disorder in the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey - a technical study to help establish methods for studing the epidemiology of autism spectrum...

FCA: Consumer investments data review 2020

A summary of the FCA's work to tackle consumer harm in the investment market, between 1 January and 31 October 2020. Most of the consumer investment market meets the goals of retail investors. But...

AMR consumer research survey

A quantitative research study, utilising a representative UK sample to understand awareness of, and attitudes towards, antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This dataset includes sample demographics and...

DCLG Data4NR: Harassment including penalty notices for disorder: Recorded offences

Notifiable offences recorded by the police: Harassment including penalty notices for disorder. Data4NR reference

Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices

Harmonised Index of Consumer prices Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: HICP

Alternative Proteins Consumer Survey

An online survey to understand consumer awareness and perceptions of alternative, or novel, sources of protein. The survey was conducted with 1,930 adults aged 16-75 living in England, Wales and...

Adults with a Psychotic Disorder Living in Private Households

Presents findings relating to the circumstances of people with psychosis living in the community from a survey of psychiatric morbidity among adults aged 16 to 74 living in private households in...