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78 results found

Tranquillity and Place: Visually Tranquil Areas

A nationally consistent terrestrial Tranquillity & Place resource that identifies visually tranquil areas for use as an evidence base to inform policy intent, practice and provision for...

Tranquil Areas Wales

This data collation is made up of two datasets showing tranquil areas across Wales for 1997 and 2009. A map of the land of Wales, graded to show levels of Tranquillity. It results from...

Tranquillity & Place Wales Sound Environment Part 1 2023

The nationally consistent terrestrial Tranquillity & Place resource identifies the strategic and local resource in remote, rural, peri-urban and urban areas for use as an evidence base...

Driving and riding tests: extra data

The data published here is to accompany the Driving & Riding Test and Instructor Statistics releases ( Links are...

GeoSure Extra: Shrink-Swell Subsurface v1

This addition to the GeoSure ground stability data consists of a single data layer in Geographical Information System (GIS) format that identifies areas of potential shrink-swell hazard at subcrop...

Uranium isotopes (234U/235U/238U) and uranium concentration data on a suite of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial samples. (NERC grant NE/H023933/1)

This data compilation contains uranium isotopes (234U/235U/238U) and concentration data on a suite of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial samples for understanding the uranium isotope cycling on...

GeoSure Extra: Debris Flow Susceptibility Model for Great Britain (Version 6.0)

The Debris Flow Susceptibility Model for Great Britain version 6.0 (DFSM_GB_v6.0) provides information on the likelihood of debris flows occurring at a given location based on a combination of...

NI 125 - Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation / intermediate care

The proportion of older people discharged from hospital to their own home or to a residential or nursing care home or extra care housing bed for rehabilitation with a clear intention that they will...

Local Green Space

This layer shows local green space designations from plans within the Broxtowe Borough Council Area.Local Green Spaces are designated through local and neighbourhood plans, in accordance with...

NI 125 Achieving independence for older people through rehabilitation / intermediate care

The proportion of older people discharged from hospital to their own home or to a residential or nursing care home or extra care housing bed for rehabilitation with a clear intention that they will...

Disabled Persons Allowance Statistics

Land & Property Services (LPS) administers an application based relief known as Disabled Persons Allowance (DPA). DPA is not means tested. It is an entitlement to a 25% reduction in rates...

Conservation Areas - City of Edinburgh

Conservation areas have special architectural or historic interest. There are 49 in Edinburgh. The Council must protect these areas, and there are extra rules to control building work.

Early life asymmetries and the allocation of cooperative care in banded mongooses in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda 2013-2016

This is a dataset of the effect of pre-natal provisioning (supply with extra food) on offspring weight and growth, contributions to offspring care, and offspring survival in banded mongooses on the...

Hyndburn Borough Council Allotment Sites ( outlines)

Approximate whole site boundaries for Statutory Allotment Sites in Hyndburn. There are a few sites with extra non-statutory sites added within the boundary. The sites are subject to revision...

Warrington Borough Council councillor expenses

Councillors are paid an annual basic allowance to recognise the duties and responsibilities of their office, including attendance at Council meetings. Special Responsibility Allowances are paid to...

Quarterly National Accounts Scotland

This release provides users with a number of key macroeconomic statistics for Scotland, including Gross Domestic Product (GDP) measured using output, income and expenditure approaches, estimates of...

Pothole action fund repairs

This dataset shows areas identified by Leeds City Council to spend extra funding made available from the Department for Transport as a one off grant to repair and prevent potholes forming. It shows...

Benefit and Pension rates from April 2013

This publication lists the benefit and pension rates from April 2013 in CSV format. It also includes some rules on extra amounts that can be payable for dependents, and on how income and savings...

Non-Standard Geography Categories (April 2023) Names and Codes in the UK

This file contains the names and codes for Non-Standard Geography Categories in the United Kingdom as at April 2023. (File size - 16KB)This version contains an extra record for Extra-Regio.Field...

Pottery Fields rain gauge rainfall data

This dataset has been released as a one-off extra dataset to supplement the existing [rain gauge rainfall data](/dataset/rain-gauge-rainfall-data) for the FloodHack16 hack event held at ODI Leeds...