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390 results found

UK Blue Flag Beaches

UK Blue Flag Beaches: 2009 - This dataset has been dsicontinued for more up to data information please visit:

Flag 4 GP Registrations by local authority

Flag 4 records indicate international in-migrants who register with an NHS GP. This dataset indicates, for each local authority in England and Wales, the number of new Flag 4 records added to the...

Red rated Large Projects - CYC

Red rated Large Projects - CYC. RAG (red-amber-green) project rating is used in project management for indicating the progress of projects. This measure shows the number of council's large...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

Bathymetric LiDAR for Red Bay

Small test site for combined bathymetric and topographic LiDAR in Red Bay, surveyed January 2006. Data were tidally corrected using UK Hydrographic Office "Total Tide" software and cleaned in Caris...

Red & Green Claims

Names and addresses, claim details and bank details for payment or receipt for damage to the network by drivers or by the network to drivers' vehicles

Stoer Group and Sibley Group nitrogen geochemistry in red beds (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Nitrogen abundances in red shales are shown to be suitable as a biosignature that may be applicable to red beds on Mars. The data set includes organic carbon and nitrogen abundances and isotopic...

Water chemistry from the Red River Delta, Vietnam, 2018 to 2020

The dataset contains physical, chemical and biological measurements from the waters of 21 river sites across the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam. The data were collected monthly between...

Motion-activated camera trap images of wildlife from the Red Forest, Chornobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017

Data comprise a catalogue of motion activated digital trap camera images obtained from cameras located in the Red Forest, Chornobyl (Ukraine) over a period of a year (September 2016 - September...

Selectivity of Gillnets used in the Cornish Red Mullet Fishery 2010/11 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To look at the capture of red mullet, and associated species, with different mesh sizes of gill nets. A range of nets will be used, within the range 50-80mm, made up into identical fleets to help...

Common Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge releases – European sites and 500m buffer zones (England)

Common Pheasant and Red-legged Partridge releases – European sites and 500m buffer zones This dataset is static (not planned to be updated). This data is published only to support gamebird...

Soil and vegetation radionuclide activity concentrations and calculated dose rates from the Red Forest, Chernobyl, Ukraine, 2016-2017

Data comprise plot details and radionuclide activity concentrations for Sr-90, Cs-137, Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239 and Pu-240 in ‘grassy’ vegetation and soil. These radionuclide activity concentrations...

Registered Excise Dealers and Shippers (REDS)

Provides information on revenue collected by different duties through registered excise dealers and shippers data. Updated: monthly.

Areas to Benefit - Capital Schemes (Red) Points

HISTORIC DATASET. DO NOT USE FOR CURRENT ANALYSIS. This is a spatial, polygon, displaying areas that would benefit from the presence of a new, or improvement of a current flood defence scheme as...

Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Irish waters. The selected SAC's...

Infaunal SACFOR abundance data from underwater video footage from the Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Northern Ireland, 2017.

This dataset contains information on the SACFOR abundance of benthic infauna species from video footage from Red Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) in Northern Irish waters. The selected SAC's...

SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager) Fire Radiative Power (FRP) data from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Satellite

The Fire Radiative Power (FRP) is a measure of the rate of radiant heat output from a fire. It has been demonstrated in small-scale experimental fires that the FRP of a fire is related to the rate...

SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager) Fire Radiative Power (FRP) data from the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Satellite

The Fire Radiative Power (FRP) is a measure of the rate of radiant heat output from a fire. It has been demonstrated in small-scale experimental fires that the FRP of a fire is related to the rate...

Photos, XRF elements, total N and C, and isotopic data (d18O, d13C) from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225 cores, central Red Sea

Photographs, 18O/16O isotopic ratios, XRF-derived elemental and N, C concentration data are provided for sediment cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225, central Red Sea. This site was...

Temperature data from a public dive log application, acquired from recreational divers’ dive computers in the northern Red Sea (2000-2017)

A collection of raw dive computer data (latitude, longitude, date, time, minimum temperature, surface temperature and maximum depth) logged by unknown recreational divers and uploaded to a publicly...