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% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area

% of CYC residents stating it's important residents can influence decisions in their local area *This indicator is discontinued

Residents Parking Zones

Areas where residents parking permits are in operation

Resident population

Data showing the usual resident population of Plymouth including data on: sex; households; communal establishments; school children/full-time student; area and density.

Residents Parking Zones

Residents Parking Zones

Residents Parking Control

This defines the times when resident parking bays are operational

School Destinations of Secondary School Pupils Resident in London Boroughs

Statistics on cross border movement of secondary pupils in London are published in the statistical bulletin "School Destinations of Secondary School Pupils Resident in London Boroughs. Source...

Residents' Surveys LATEST

Page provides links to the latest analysis of Camden Residents' Surveys.

School destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London Local Authorities

Several datasets on pupil residence and school destinations for London Boroughs. Includes LA Destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London, cross border movement of secondary school...

Hospital admissions - Residents: Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Total

Tenancy and residents groups

Registered tenancy and residents groups in Leeds. Please note  ------------ This dataset was produced as a one off for the city intelligence innovation lab. To find out about the lab click...

Travel by Scottish residents

Journeys made by all members of the household (including children). Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Travel by Scottish...

Hospital admissions - Residents: 65+ Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: 65+ Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Male Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Male Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Female Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: Female Total

Mortality Statistics: Deaths Registered in UK by Area of Usual Residence

Annual data on death registrations. Summary tables including age-standardised mortality rates,deaths by age and sex. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: National...

Cross Local Authority border movement of school pupils resident in England

Cross Local Authority border movement of school pupils resident in England Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Mortality Statistics: Deaths registered in England and Wales by area of usual residence

Presents data on death registrations in England and Wales by area of usual residence. The release contains a summary table providing key mortality measures (numbers and rates including age...

Bystander and Resident Exposure to Pesticides

Sampling during peak periods of pesticide use in locations adjacent to arable fields in support of determining risk of bystander and resident exposure to pesticides

Hospital admissions - Residents: 0 - 17 Total

Hospital admissions - Residents: 0 - 17 Total

Hospital admissions - Residents:18 - 64 Total

Hospital admissions - Residents:18 - 64 Total