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224 results found

SFGS Deer Fence Lines

Scottish Forestry Grant Scheme - SFGS Following publication of the Scottish Executive’s Scottish Forestry Strategy 'Forests for Scotland' the opportunity was taken to review the Woodland Grant...

Forestry England Fences

Contains records of built fences on the Nations Forests. Most will be stock fences on the boundaries but some will be internal stock or deer fences. Attribution statement: © Forestry Commission...

Suspended Solids

Suspended solids from Environment Agency's WIMS data archive.

FGS Target Area - Deer Fence High Cost Area

This dataset defines the area where there is a potential for increased costs associated with erecting deer fences. This should be used when assessing Forestry Grant Scheme (FGS) applications made...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2015 (final)

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2015 (final). The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2017 (provisional)

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2017 (provisional). The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2019 (provisional)

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2019 (provisional). The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2014 (final)

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2014 (final). The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2017 FINAL

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2017 FINAL. The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2016 (provisional)

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2016 (provisional). The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2016 FINAL

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2016 FINAL. The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2018 FINAL

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2018 FINAL. The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2019 (final)

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2019 (final). The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and...

UK round fencing manufacturers: 1999 to 2015 (provisional)

UK round fencing manufacturers for 1999 to 2015 (provisional). The data cover number of manufacturers and softwood consumption and are broken down by: -England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland...

National Bedrock Fence Diagram of Great Britain (GB3D_v2012)

In 2011 the British Geological Survey (BGS) decided to begin the assembly of a National Geological Model (NGM) from its existing and on-going geological framework models , comprising integrated...

National Bedrock Fence Diagram of Great Britain (GB3D_v2014)

In 2011 the British Geological Survey (BGS) decided to begin the assembly of a National Geological Model (NGM) from its existing and on-going geological framework models , comprising integrated...

Solid wall and off gas network properties, (LSOA)

Number and percentage of properties with solid walls and those not connected to gas mains at Lower Super Output Area level. Data is taken from the rural fuel poverty study funded by Eaga...

River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...

River Water Quality Monitoring 1990 to 2018 - Suspended Solids

This table provides the raw data from river monitoring sites including Water Framework Directive monitoring sites. It should be noted that, as the data set is in its raw state, it cannot be used to...