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Tobacco Strategy Performance Pack (TSDG) Performance Pack

Tobacco Strategy Performance Pack reports. Updated: ad hoc. Data coverage: 2007/08, 2009/10, 2008/09

Pack Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA361. (Known everywhere and presented as Pack Flow Summary) Provides the 4 Agencies’ amalgamated obligations for packaging entering the UK...

Pack Flow Summary

This record is for Approval for Access (AFA) product AFA361. (Known everywhere and presented as Pack Flow Summary) Provides the 4 Agencies’ amalgamated obligations for packaging entering the UK...

Corporate Scorecard Pack

Our corporate scorecard shows a high level overview of our performance against our environmental and business aims. The scorecard is reported every 3 months to executive directors, the board,...

LEAN Sourcing training data

Details of individuals and departmesnt that have been trained by GPS and its delivery partners in the application of LEAN Sourcing

MMO1097 Source noise literature review references and value table for Anthropogenic Sources

This dataset displays the anthropogenic source values used in the modelling of underwater noise (MMO1097).

MMO1097 Source noise literature review references and value table for Natural Sources

This dataset displays the natural source values used in the modelling of underwater noise (MMO1097).

CO2 emissions estimates, by key source

Full Local CO2 emission estimates, sector and fuel details Source: AEA/Department of Energy and Climate Change Publisher: Department of Energy and Climate Change Geographies: Local Authority...

MMO1097 Source noise table

This dataset displays the source noise values used in the modelling of underwater noise (MMO1097).

Source Protection Zones [Merged]

Source Protection Zones [Merged] have been created as public facing outlines where common boundaries and overlaps (based on zone number) have been removed. Source Protection Zones (SPZs) are...

GPS OJEU Sourcing performance turnaround times

Monthly average turnaround times of OJEU procurements carried out by by GPS (from advert to contract award)

Defra Human Resources Core MI Data Pack Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Point and Area Sources

Air Pollution Points and Area Sources

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Suitability

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer giving an indication of the scale it is appropriate to use the RoFMS, grouped into 5 bands. Our...

CORE - Social housing lettings (LA owned) - Source of referral

This dataset comprises new general needs lettings, let at social rent levels owned by Local Authorities, classified by source of referral. These data are for new social housing lettings at the...

Non-methane volatile organic chemical (VOC) emissions, by source

Non-methane volatile organic chemical (VOC) emissions, by source

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Risk Band

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer showing risk of flooding from multiple sources, grouped into 4 bands. Our Risk of Flooding from...

Risk of Flooding from Multiple Sources: Risk Contribution

This dataset is not suitable for identifying whether an individual property will flood. GIS layer showing the proportion of the combined risk resulting from the primary flood source input...

Sources of Information Register

Details of various sources of information

Marine Management Organisation East Plan modification pack consultation responses

This data is a record of the comments made in consultation with stakeholders on the East Marine Plan document and the action taken by the Marine Management Organisation.